Translating Implicit Discourse Connectives Based on Crosslingual Annotation and Alignment

TitleTranslating Implicit Discourse Connectives Based on Crosslingual Annotation and Alignment
Publication TypeWorkshop
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLi, H., P. Langlais, and Y. Jin
Secondary Title EMNLP 2017, 3rd Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation
Date Published2017
AbstractImplicit discourse connectives and re-lations are distributed more widely in Chinese texts, when translating into English, such connectives are usually translated explicitly. Towards Chinese-English MT, in this paper we describe cross-lingual annotation and alignment of discourse connectives in a parallel corpus, describing related surveys and findings. We then conduct some evaluation experiments to testify the translation of implicit connectives and whether representing implicit connec-tives explicitly in source language can improve the final translation perfor-mance significantly. Preliminary results show it has little improvement by just inserting explicit connectives for implicit relations.
Citation Key1533
Refereed DesignationRefereed