On Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m. (Montreal time), we hold a one-hour talk on a language processing or linguistics topic. It is typically offered in hybrid mode (in person/videoconference). Once a month, the talk is organized by the French research group Linguistique Informatique, Formelle et de Terrain.

Attention is not all you need

Nicholas Asher (asher <at> irit (point) fr)


Le mercredi 19 février 2025 à 11 h 30

Réunion Zoom, ci-dessous — Uniquement en ligne

In this talk I will survey some problems and some successes that my colleagues and I have examined with LLM concept mastery. The problems are simple, but fundamental and have to do with logical form, logical consequence and the meanings of logical operators like negation or quantification. The successes are rather surprising from a linguistic point of view, as they involve structures for discourse and dialogue that are difficult to capture formally.

Joignez-vous à nous avec Zoom à l'aide de cette URL.
ID de réunion : 916 9097 5818, Code : 343273.
Numéros de téléphone : https://umontreal.zoom.us/u/abitNZzLg.
One tap mobile : +14388097799,,91690975818#,,,,,,0#,,343273#

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